Family Workshop Nights
Published on July 28, 2023 | Meet the Team
Welcome to our interview with Spencer, one of our interns at Community Action Partnership of Strafford County this summer of 2023!
We are so grateful to our summer interns for stepping in and helping out CAPSC in a major way this summer. From meal prep for Summer Meals to creating a new program guide for our families to raising money for our upcoming Golf Tournament to entering and analyzing data through our internal software system EmpowOR, our summer interns have had a major impact on CAPSC’s programs and operations.
In these interviews, they share their experiences as college students and young adults entering the professional world through this opportunity with CAPSC. Although they have been involved in some of the same events and programs over the past couple months, they have each been drawn to different areas of the organization based on personal interests. We discuss how these interests have shaped their experiences and what lessons they have learned along the way.
Why did you choose CAPSC for your summer internship?
Spencer: I chose CAPSC for my internship because I have always loved helping people in any job that I do. When I heard about CAPSC and their mission, I knew it was an organization I would like to join. The team’s commitment to make people’s lives better is evident all throughout the office. Everyone here loves what they do and does everything they can to help people in need. I am glad I made the choice to intern here at CAPSC.
What things have you been involved with at CAPSC this summer?
Spencer: Throughout my time at CAPSC this summer, I have been involved with two different departments: food services and advancement. My main job with the advancement team is contacting businesses and filling out donation requests. By filling out these requests, I have been able to secure donations that will later be raffled off at our major golf tournament fundraiser. My other job is working with Summer Meals – one of the food and nutrition programs at CAPSC – which provides free breakfast and lunch to kids under 18. This job is great for me because I have always loved working with food, and Summer Meals allows me to pursue that passion while also helping those in need.
What are your responsibilities on a day-to-day basis?
Spencer: My everyday duties change depending on which program or department I’m working with, but there is a little bit of consistency in what I do. When I’m in the office helping the Advancement Team, my responsibilities include filling out donation requests and filtering through responses from companies we have already reached out to. I correspond with a lot of these companies directly. Sometimes, I will also come into the office to fill in at the front desk. That is typically James’s job, but the rest of us rotate for coverage on his days off and when he’s working with data management. On the other hand, when I work for Summer Meals, my days look very different. I will typically get to the location that I’m assigned to, and that’s when I get the rundown on what meals are being served that day. From there, I work with the other staff at the site to pack over 700 meals for kids in need of food while school is not in session.
What has been your favorite part of the internship so far, and what have you learned from it?
Spencer: My favorite part of this internship by far has been working for the Summer Meals program. It is so rewarding to make meals for the kids, and it is even more fulfilling to see them enjoy the food I prepared. The Summer Meals program is also great because no two days are the same; every day I make different meals and see different faces. I have learned a lot from this part of the job, the main lesson being the importance of giving to those in need. Providing kids with free breakfast and lunch is the best part of my week because it makes me realize I am making a real difference in their lives. Another thing I learned from Summer Meals is how to work quickly and how to pack food and coolers in the most efficient way to feed as many kids as possible.
CAPSC provides many services dedicated to providing food to families in need. Through our food pantry, summer meals program, and holiday food basket programs, which are open to the community, our aim is to reduce malnutrition by providing access to nutritious food and supplies to anyone who walks through our doors.
We thank the many members of our community who give their time, their skilled expertise, and their warm smiles in support of the programs at CAPSC. If you are interested in getting involved in one of our programs, we have many options.
Whether you are interested in a one-time event, or want to find a recurring volunteer spot, our goal is to try to match our needs with your interests, and to grow our family of caring individuals who give so much back to their community.