Family Focus
Published on September 26, 2023 | Programs
Community Action Partnership of Strafford County (CAPSC) can help you and your loved ones stay warm and live in security. Over $3.5 million dollars was spent on fuel assistance to households in Strafford County during the 2022-2023 winter season. Applying for the Fuel and/or Electric Assistance Program is the first step, and we are here to help.
The following presentation will go through every step in the fuel assistance online application. The best way to use this information is to open the fuel application in a new tab. Have the presentation open so you can toggle back and forth as you progress through the application.
Click below to open the application in your browser:
Click below to download the instructional presentation:
Online Fuel Application Instructions 2023
If you or a family member needs help paying heating and electric bills, even if you don’t think you qualify, don’t hesitate to apply! Help may be available.
As a reminder, applications are now being accepted (through April 30, 2024) for all households for ALL heating types:
– Oil
– Kerosene
– Propane
– Electric
– Natural gas
– Wood
There are other ways to apply:
The federally funded Low-Income Home Energy Program (LIHEAP), also known as the Fuel Assistance Program (FAP), provides qualified households with assistance in paying their heating bills during the winter heating season. Your benefits are calculated based on number of household members, household income, energy costs and housing type among other things. This allows those households with the lowest incomes and highest energy costs to receive the highest benefits.
We thank the many members of our community who give their time, their skilled expertise, and their warm smiles in support of the programs at CAPSC. If you are interested in getting involved in one of our programs, we have many options.
Whether you are interested in a one-time event, or want to find a recurring volunteer spot, our goal is to try to match our needs with your interests, and to grow our family of caring individuals who give so much back to their community.