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Give $1,965 in honor of our founding year.
Arrange your legacy of support for CAPSC
Lack of Housing
The county vacancy rate for apartments is 0.9%, and rent has increased by 37% since 2018. Affordable housing in Strafford County is near non-existent, leading to a huge increase in homelessness in our community.
Families at Risk
2,300 Strafford County children are living in poverty. Children living in poverty are at greater risk of poor nutrition, chronic disease, and mental health problems.
Increased Cost of Living
The post-pandemic fallout of rising inflation rates and supply chain issues have led to a significant increase in energy and food costs. The cost of heating fuel has almost doubled in one year.
“As a Family Support Specialist, I get to work with expecting mothers and babies every day. Some of my favorite parts of this job are seeing a child reach a developmental milestone for the first time, watching moms become more confident and content in the loving relationship they build with their children, and having the opportunity to be an advocate for those who want to be heard.”
To donate by check, mail it to:
Community Action Partnership of Strafford County
Attn: Melissa Spil
577 Central Ave, Suite 10
Dover, NH 03820
You can get assistance or donate by phone by calling our office at:
603-435-2500 x1121
Getting your business involved is easy and can be customized to the needs of your company and employees. Click here to see our corporate engagement opportunities!
Did you know that many employers match employee gifts to CAPSC? Contact your employer to see if they offer this benefit, and your donation could go further!
The Gafney Home in Rochester, NH will be turned into affordable housing for those aged 62+ who demonstrate a financial need. W are excited to offer several naming opportunities in our new facility! Levels include naming a room, dedicating a bench, and naming a brick in our new garden.
To make a gift to help support the Gafney Home please visit the Gafney Home donation page.
To make a gift in honor or in memory of someone, please follow these steps:
Your donation of food, housing kits for newly housed families, classroom supplies, and more are vital to serving our community members, friends, family, and neighbors. Please click here to view our current list of needs and how to donate items or run a donation drive.
Whether you are interested in a one-time event, or want to find a recurring volunteer spot, our goal is to match our needs with your interests, and to grow our family of volunteers who give back to our community. Click here to learn more about volunteering at CAPSC.
“I don’t know what I would do without Community Action. It makes all the difference for people like me. I have worked hard and been a country girl all my life, and CAPSC is keeping me in my home. Your support keeps us going and able to live.”
$10 could provide a family of four with one day’s worth of meals and snacks from our food pantry.
$10 could provide a family of four with one day’s worth of meals and snacks from our food pantry.