Meet our 2024 Summer Interns: Andy

Published on August 13, 2024 | Meet the Team

Welcome to our interview with Andy, one of our interns at Community Action Partnership of Strafford County this summer of 2024, and a 5-timer, in that this is Andy’s 5th year working with CAPSC!

Why did you choose CAPSC for your summer internship?

I chose CAPSC for a summer internship because I really like the mission of the company and how we give back to the community in so many ways. Having worked for CAPSC for 4 years already at summer meals I thought it only made sense to return as an intern in the office.

What things have you been involved with at CAPSC this summer?

I have been working with Cheryl on a lot of cleanup projects in our databases, which deal with all of our programs and enrolling our clients into their respective services so that they can qualify in future years. I have also been working at the front desk/food pantry, serving meals and answering clients on the phone.

What has been your favorite part of the internship so far, and what have you learned from

My favorite part of the internship has been seeing the scale of our services and how many people we help on a daily basis. It has definitely taught me the value of community and how much a single act can affect someone’s life.

What memories will you take with you when summer ends? 

I will remember working with our awesome staff, setting up for events like the annual meeting, and getting to speak with our clients every day!

Here’s more from Andy, a Dover native:

Hey! I’m Andy Parker, and I am one of the interns at Community Action this summer. I am from Dover, New Hampshire and am entering my sophomore year at Wentworth Institute of Technology studying computer science. This summer I am an intern at the Dover office, but I’ve been working for CAPSC for 5 years now! I worked for Summer Meals for four summers prepping and delivering meals. Outside of Community Action I enjoy going to the beach, hiking, playing guitar, disc golf, and skiing.

This summer is my first year as an intern in the office despite having worked for CAP for so long. My projects for the summer are in data cleanup and client enrollments, but you can also find me at the front desk where I give out meals from our food pantry. Throughout the summer I have helped setting up corporate meetings, company events, and worked with volunteers giving back to the community. I have really appreciated the real-world experiences that this internship has given me. My favorite part of working here this summer has been seeing the small details within the company and how much goes into the services we provide. While working on the databases I get to see the impact of all our services across all departments in Community Action, reaching every town in Strafford County. I have loved my time here at CAP and am very grateful for the opportunity to work with our amazing staff this summer!

Upcoming Events

Mentioned in this post:

Organize a Donation Drive

Organizing a donation drive within your neighborhood, school, or place of business amplifies the local support given to CAPSC programs, which only increases the impact on the community members we help. If you would like to organize a donation drive, we will help you make it happen!

For inquiries, contact Maddy Shuldman at [email protected].

Ways to Get Involved

We thank the many members of our community who give their time, their skilled expertise, and their warm smiles in support of the programs at CAPSC. If you are interested in getting involved in one of our programs, we have many options.

Whether you are interested in a one-time event, or want to find a recurring volunteer spot, our goal is to try to match our needs with your interests, and to grow our family of caring individuals who give so much back to their community.

Read more.