Kinship Navigation

Throughout New Hampshire a growing number of grandparents, family members, and close family friends are stepping up to raise children whose biological parents are unable to care for them. These kinship caregivers provide safe and nurturing environments for children, but often experience significant challenges in their caretaking role. In response, New Children’s Trust and New Hampshire’s network of Family Resource Centers have partnered to support kinship families through the statewide Kinship Navigation Program.

Three people sitting at a picnic table in the park
Kinship Navigation

The Kinship Navigation Program is community-based and designed to strengthen and support the wellbeing of kinship caregivers, children, and their families. The program is free, voluntary, and confidential and links kinship caregivers with state benefits, community resources, information and referrals, and offers supports such as food assistance, gas to get to appointments, school supplies, legal aid, additional financial assistance, and much more.

Placed in Family Resource Centers throughout the state, Kinship Navigators walk alongside caregivers and their families to ensure access to high-quality information, referral, and follow-up services that keep kinship families safe, strong, and successful.

Get support with:

  • Food assistance
  • Gas to get to appointments
  • School supplies
  • Tutoring
  • Legal aid
  • Bus passes
  • Health insurance
  • Additional financial assistance
  • Parenting and PASTA playgroups
    PASTA (Parenting A Second Time Around) is a curriculum based on helping grandparents and other kinship caregivers build skills, develop supports, and offers ideas to relieve stress, stay healthy, and care for yourself while caring for others. PASTA is a service provided by NH Kinship Navigators under the statewide Kinship Navigation Program.

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