We believe that all people should have access to safe, stable, and permanent housing. We also believe that those in our community who are unsheltered deserve to have access to services that not only help them to obtain housing but also services to help them until they are housed. Community Action Partnership of Strafford County provides needed supplies and services to survive while unsheltered and provides services to help become sheltered. Services are offered at our Housing Opportunity Center and through direct outreach to those living outdoors.
CAPSC offers housing services on a continuum and across the lifespan in Strafford County. Our housing services include:
- Street Outreach
- Coordinated Entry Enrollment into the New Hampshire Homeless Management Information System
- Domestic Violence Housing Support
- Homeless Shelter for Families (Home For Now, Rochester, NH)
- Rapid Rehousing
- Homelessness Prevention
- Housing Stabilization
- Permanent Supportive Housing
- Farmhouse-style women-only rooming house with shared kitchen and living areas (Dover, NH – Apply through Alliance Asset Management)
- Senior Apartments (Covered Bridge Manor, Dover NH & Gafney Home, Rochester NH)