Dover Honda and Dover Chevy Sponsor a New Look for the Senior Transportation Bus

Published May 14, 2024 | News

As May flowers and early foliage begin their restoration of color into our landscapes and neighborhoods, we want to thank Dover Honda and Dover Chevy for generously supporting our recent project to bring some color to the Senior Transportation Bus!  They sponsored the wrapping of the bus and now it looks brand new!

We are proud to say for over 30 years, our CAPSC senior party bus (if you’ve met our seniors, you’ll know what we mean) has provided door-to-door transportation to grocery stores, shopping plazas, and pharmacies in the area for residents age 60 years or over.  It connects seniors with community and a gives sense of independence, two important factors that lead to a healthy mindset and a happier life!

We are so pleased to highlight our interview with Dover Honda General Manager Mike Watson and Dover Chevy General Manager Don McEwen .  In addition, don’t miss the van reveal photos below the interview!

Dover Chevy

Michael Watson (left) from Dover Honda with Don McEwen (right) from Dover Chevy

Dover Honda has been a CAPSC supporter in the past.  Tell me a bit about how you got started working with CAPSC.

This is our first experience with CAPSC, but after meeting Melissa and touring the Dover facility we were really impressed with the team and their mission.

Describe Dover Honda’s history of community involvement and any special projects from the past or present that you would like to highlight.

We have supported the Dover Children’s Home for many years, we recently donated a commercial washing machine that was needed. Our dealerships have donated funds and equipment to several of the local youth sports programs including football, Little League, soccer, rugby and softball. We just presented a $500 check to the softball program on May 4th, opening day.

We have worked in conjunction with the automotive and body shop program at Dover High School, we recently provided them with several iPads to assist them in learning the technology side of automotive repair.

What values do Dover Honda and CAPSC share?

We believe in providing an excellent customer experience and participation in our communities. Communication, collaboration and accountability would fall under our world class standards.

How did you first learn about CAPSC, and what was your initial impression of their services?

Mike Watson spoke to me about it and arranged a visit, I was blown away with the commitment and passion that I witnessed from each member of the staff who were all eager to tell us their story.

Were there any particular individuals or staff members at the agency who made a significant impact on your experience, and why?

Yes, the gentleman who works with the homeless. His passion for the job is unmatched.

How do you think companies can start to be more involved with their communities?  Where should they start?

Mike and I initially met with the city manager who suggested that rather than providing the communities with donations of money or equipment we reach out to local charities that serve all of the surrounding communities as well.


The new wrapping looks so good!  A special thanks to Scott Prevost at Cowabunga Media for donating the eye-catching and friendly design!

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Corporate Engagement

CAPSC provides corporate sponsors the opportunity to create lasting change in our community, as every dollar has a direct impact on the lives of children, families, and seniors in Strafford County. Your company’s support provides the needed resources to expand our essential services, improve outcomes, and meet our clients’ needs, as well as provide a meaningful platform to present your company’s brand message.

For more information, or if you would like to contact us about creating a customized sponsorship opportunity for your company, contact Melissa Spil, Chief Advancement Officer, at [email protected].

Dover Honda and Chevy

Dover Honda is your go-to local car dealership with deep roots in the Dover, NH, community. Our team champions local heroes-the tireless volunteers and unsung non-profits weaving the fabric of Dover. Discover the causes we’re passionate about by engaging with us online, stepping into our welcoming dealership, or being part of our vibrant events. From festive toy collections to energizing local sports and fueling pivotal research endeavors, our pride lies in collaborating with dedicated souls devoted to enriching lives.

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